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AAF offers Support
In 2009, AAF took the initiative to do something special which participants at competitions can enjoy, namely a reception where they can meet and talk and where they are offered a variety of food and drinks free of charge.
This proved such a success that it was decided to continue with this initiative in the following years. Between 2009 and 2018, more than 80 international piano competitions received the offer of financial support by AAF.
Also in 2019, AAF will provide financial support again to several selected competitions. AAF will reserve up to 1200 Euro for each event to be properly organised.
See below for further details
Frequently Asked Questions
For example: during the deliberation of the jury after the first round, all contestants have to wait quite long. (Sometimes several hours.) Naturally, they are tense and not seldomly also tired and hungry (as they mostly also try to use every opportunity to practice, as long as they are in the competition).
Many times, it can be observed that nothing is arranged for the contestants during these difficult hours.
It would therefore be the perfect moment to serve them food and drinks, in other words: to look after them a bit more. At the same time, they will have a good opportinity to make new friends and to make contacts that may be useful in the future.
This is the kind of reception that AAF suggests and that AAF would like to stimulate and support.
AAF will try to monitor this.
If an AAF representative cannot be present, AAF will ask for some proper feedback from the organisers as well as from some contestants.
Since 2016, it is decided by the AAF Board which competitions may receive AAF's offer of support.
An important consideration is that the event should be meaningful and that it can be anticipated that an AAF representative will be able to attend.
Attention is paid to avoid that the same competition is offered the possibility of assigning the AAF Award as well as AAF's support for a reception.
Competitions wishing to organise the AAF Reception with AAF's financial support may also take the initiative and contact AAF.