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In 2012, AAF offered financial support to the following competitions
click on the competition to see some photos
To arrive at this selection, the following procedure was followed
At the end of 2012, there were 132 AAF member competitions and organisations.84 competitions were scheduled to take place in 2011.
Several competitions could not or preferred not to be considered for the AAF support (e.g. for organisational reasons), while also quite a few could not be considered as they had already received AAF's offer of support in the previous years.
Thus, 47 AAF member competitions were included in the first draw.
From these 47, six were randomly chosen by Mr. Rang.
Mr. Rang selected two more competitions from another group of international piano competitions, which were not AAF members. To be considered, a few additional conditions had to be fulfilled.
In total, 24 non-member international piano competitions taking place in 2012 could have been considered in the draw. Messages were sent to these 24, asking whether they would like to be considered, but not many reacted.
Go to the top of this page to see the list of the eight chosen competitions.
Mr. Rang also selected six more AAF competitions, in case some of the first selected ones would be unable to organise the AAF reception.
These "runners-up", in order of their selection, were:
1. the first "Roser Palomero" International Piano Competition in Xiamen (China) [November 2012]
2. the "Isidor Bajic" Competition, Novi Sad (Serbia) [March 2012]
3. the "Rosario Marciano" International Piano Competition, Vienna (Austria) [August 2012]
4. the Hilton Head International Piano Competition, Hilton Head (USA) [March 2012]
5. the New York International Piano Competition, New York (USA) [June 2012]
6. the "PianoArts" North American Biennial Piano Competition, Milwaukee (USA) [June 2012]
and two additional ones from among the remaining eligible non-member competitions:
1. the "Chopin + ..." International Piano Competition in Budapest (Hungary) [June 2012]
2. the "EPTA" Competition in Grez-Doiceau (Belgium) [February 2012]