Alink - Argerich
An Independent Worldwide Information and Service Centre for Musicians and Competitions
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In 2021, AAF offered financial support to the following competitions
click on the competition to see some photos
To arrive at this selection, the following procedure was followed
At the end of 2020, there were 169 AAF member competitions and organisations affiliated with AAF.Between 2009 and 2019, some 90 competitions had already received AAF's offer of support.
Instead of asking Mr. Rang to make another random selection, the AAF Board will make a choice of competitions, taking place in 2021, to offer AAF's support for organising a special reception for all the participants. An important consideration is that the event should be meaningful and that it could be anticipated that an AAF representative will be able to attend.
Due to the corona crisis, however, many competitions that were scheduled to take place this year, have been rescheduled.
As soon as the competitions and live activities can be resumed, AAF will gladly consider where support for a reception can be given (provided that such a reception can be held in accordance with the health and safety regulations).